Followed by my own career quiz, just for you..
Do an internet search for “What job should I get” and rather than recommending any brilliant, thought provoking articles (such as this?), you will likely find yourself face to face with a career quiz.
Career quizzes ask you a bunch of questions and then give you suggested career paths or jobs. While everyone probably takes them with a grain of salt, they obviously provide value of some kind, otherwise they would not be so wildly popular. My college career center had me take a few, so obviously somebody out there actually thinks these things work.
My theory? They provide value, but not for what they were designed. These should be viewed as nothing more than entertainment.
First, career quizzes can’t possibly know what you really care about, nor how much you care about something. It’s all well and good that you prefer to be hiking outside over reading inside, but how can a career quiz possibly know to what extent you prefer it? Nor can a career quiz possibly be so elaborate and thorough to fully understand all the various and competing desires, values, and interests that define you, and how they stack up against one another. Finally, seeing as humans and their desires, values, and interests are constantly developing and changing, it would be folly to think that any career quiz could grasp this constant change.
This sort of thing explains why my good friend has always been told to be a potato farmer, much to his and my own amusement.
With all this being said, here is my very own career quiz, homemade just for you! I wouldn’t take it too seriously, but hey, you never know! If you get something that offends you, I apologize in advance. If you feel like sharing your results, comment below what you get!